Rethinking my approach.

Before I could get my writing back on track I needed to figure out how to fix my outline and compile a new, corrected document. I had developed the bad habit of writing sections in random scrivener spots rather than making sure that I was in the write chapter. This is partly because I jump around a lot when I write. Sometimes mid sentence. But also because I hadn’t done enough to make sure my outline was really strong before starting. I didn’t take the time to jump to the right section because I didn’t know where or what that section was anyways.

So. To put it lightly I was left with a mess. And it quite effectively disrupted my writing for months. The solution to all of this ended up being quite simple. In fact I spent months either attempting or procrastinating when in the end it only took me a couple of days to fix everything. This is primarily because my first “solution” completely sucked. I had the bright idea to print out everything I had already written. Edit it by hand. And then manually retype it into a new scrivener document. Now. In some ways it wasn’t the worst idea. I figured it was the best way not to miss anything. To end up with a strong, clean document at the end. To gain inspiration from what I had already written. Find plot holes or gaps. All good things right?

One major problem. It was taking forever. I’m a fast typist. But transcribing something you have already written is mind numbingly boring. If you can’t fall asleep, try this approach and you’ll be out in no time. Still I kept at it. I had printed the book. Marked up half of it in red. And was typing small sections at night. And all I could think the whole time is this is such a waste of time.

I don’t know why I didn’t just do this from the beginning. Or why this wasn’t my first solution instead of my second. But it wasn’t. Fed up with typing I opened a new scrivener document and started cutting and pasting. Revolutionary. I know. It took less than a few hours total.

It might not be the cleanest document. It might not be perfect. And I could be missing something from one of the drafts. But it is outlined. It is in order. And from here I can move forward with getting this book finished. Which I what I should have been doing months ago anyways.


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